Monday, January 2, 2012

1/1/12 Prayer/Intentions

Holy Spirit, help me:

I want to be spiritually awake and aware, and engage in things that help me get and stay that way, with times of quiet, of reflection, of learning, and of service.

I want to be sensitive to your whisper, to your slightest movement.

I want to be sensitive ever more fully to others.

Help me to remember to use discernment for everything, for all I do, including my use of time, food, exercise, and money, and to remember that my body is your temple.

I want to let God lead, guide, and place me. I want to be like a feather on the breath of the Holy Spirit.

Let me be a channel of God's love and healing, more and more clearly and purely, with less and less of myself in the way.

Let my spirit dwell with you and in you, and you in me. Help me pay attention foremost to you. Let your spring of living water bubble up and pour through my life, bringing joy, peace, love, and purpose. help me live in your beauty and move in your song.

Love, Barbara

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