Saturday, April 14, 2012

To God

I hear you call me

never so loudly as
           in your ostensible silence

the echo of your original word
          calling life out of nothingness,
          “Let there be light!” out of darkness,
vibrating down the ages .

Your song echoes in the pulsing rush of blood in my veins.
I feel the heartbeat of the world in the very beat of my heart.
As the earth turns, so move the rhythms of my body..
As the moon circles the earth, the tides pull on my internal sea.

Cycles of the seasons,
Cycles of my life,
The flow of the years,
The spinning of the stars,
Breathing in  ... and out.

 Your joyful laugh sets all in motion:
          the galaxies spinning
          the planets tumbling
          the electrons circling
quickening my soul.

Your fierce love holds all together, holds me in this world;
I feel the world, and your love, moving within me.
All the heavens and earth dance your praise.
The song of angels fills my heart.
I overflow with your love.